Smokin Jones
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Smokin Jones formly:(StvnJam) is composed of two members: Alan Parkerson (guitars,bass, vocals) and Jamie Mosley (drums,sampling,sequencing). Currently we have 3 album's released entitled "Sinking Lower", Out Time, and our new one "Conjunctivitis". with our third project underway we have decided to hone the direction of the band to a rock soild feel.
Through alot of hard work and energy. We're finshed whith "Conjunctivitis" (pink eye). Thanks for Alans input
on picture (his eye by the way), and Skeet McWhorter for the text on the cd. Well, we're in the process of making anthor cd early stages though. Not sure what it will sound like or what
it will be about, but i think you will like Conjunctivitis.